Informational displays completed during an internship for the Waterview Science and Technology Center at The University of Texas at Dallas
Create posters showcasing the Center for Space Sciences, aimed at securing funding for future rocket launches.
The task was to create information posters for the Center for Space Sciences. Each poster was to cover different aspects of the CSS, including its history, accomplishments, and ongoing work. The posters were designed for a tour and presentation with NASA and aimed to help the CSS secure funding for future rocket launches.
Create aesthetically pleasing posters that accommodate information, with orange color schemes to match the university's colors.
Various sketches were created for the potential layout of the largest poster, which was the Timeline. The earlier iterations included more illustrations but were later updated to accommodate the information while being aesthetically pleasing. The History Poster went through many changes in color and size, and in the end, we settled on the color orange to match the university color scheme.
Refining the CSS poster campaign: updated layout and typography with added stars and new fonts.
Several changes were made to the layout and typography of the posters throughout the CSS poster campaign project. These changes included altering the main font of the history poster and adding stars to the front entrance posters.